If you’re looking for the power button on a Samsung TV model LN37D550K1F (2022), you’ll need to look on the back of the TV. The power button is located near the bottom right corner. ..

Where Is the power button on a Galaxy TV model number LN37D550K1. On most models, the power button is on the front right bezel. On some models, the power button is on the left side of the television. You can also press the power button on the back of the television. Depending on the brand of the television, it might be on the top or side.

The power button is usually located on the back of a TV. If the television is set to stand on its own, you can find the power button by turning the unit off. The remote control will show you a menu and will allow you to select the channels you want to watch. The power button is a small and unnoticeable button. Once you press the button, the TV will start up.