When connecting a DVD player to a Samsung Smart TV with an HDMI cable, make sure that the TV has an input for a video input. If the TV does not have an input for a video input, connect the player to the TV using an audio output.

First, connect your DVD player to the HDMI port of your Samsung Smart TV. If your DVD player does not have a dedicated HDMI port, you can also use a component cable. When using a component cable, you must make sure that the DVD player supports the HDMI standard. This will allow you to get the best quality signal. You can also try connecting your DVD player to a Samsung Smart TV via a component cable.

After connecting the DVD player to the TV, you must connect the DVD player to the DVD player port on your Samsung Smart TV. Normally, the ports for a DVD player and a Samsung Smart TV are found on the back of the DVD player. Then, turn on the Samsung Smart TV and select the source option. Once you’ve selected the source, you can start watching movies. You can connect any DVD or Blu-ray player to your new smart TV.